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Infidel 2:43 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news

There are two separate issues here.

First, there was a terrible fire and many people were people were burned to death. No matter where on earth that happens it's horrific.

Second, in the aftermath of the fire we discovered a world many of us either don't know about or choose to ignore, namely scores of illegal migrants housed in cramped conditions at the public expense.

It is absolutely right to ask how they got in to our country and why they were allowed to stay. You cannot just migrate to the UK from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Bangladesh - you need to apply for a visa at the Embassy back home and demonstrate you have sufficient funds to support yourself without making claims on the public purse.

It adds to the tragedy actually that many, if not most of the people in that tower should never have come to the UK in the first place and should have been deported in compliance with our immigration laws.

Instead they are allowed to stay and housed at our expense, breaking not only the law but also any sense of moral rectitude. It is not right or fair to ask us to pay for people who are not British and who have entered the country illegally.

It's a separate issue to the fire itself - but the names and backstories of the affected families shone a light on a major issue of our times that successive governments have failed to deal with.

Fifth Column 2:32 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news

This thread is full of generic statements implying that everyone in that block was on benefits, scrounging, sub letting etc. The family and friends of the little girl who's now orphaned have come together to give her a home with her auntie and to give her everything she needs. If you read this thread you'd think every single person in the block was a workshy layabout.

I'm not going to post on this again as there are people (not you) who just use this tragedy to make a cheap political point and demonstrate their own disgust at people being poor. I actually haven't been on this thread much and you have surface suggesting I'M making some political point out of it.


SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:49 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Fifth Column 9:49 Thu Jul 6

Nobody's insulted the dead.

You're doing exactly what I pointed out earlier that all you Momentum-led lefties are doing, shouting down with accusations of racism, callousness and political opportunism any position that doesn't fit your anti-Tory agenda whilst simultaneously opportunistically politicising the tragedy yourself.

mashed in maryland 10:40 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Fifth. It was an absolutely horrible tragedy and I'm not ashamed to say it genuinely shocked me.

But if you think that some people aren't rinsing it, taking the piss and using it to get a leg up you're either being naive or lying to yourself. Did we ever see these sorts of demands after Aberfan or the floods across Oxfordshire etc when people lost their homes?

And the people trying to stir the pot to make it a race issue and encouraging everyone to blame "The Tories"/rich people/white people need calling out.

Ps I ain't seen any insulting of the dead. Please point some out?

Fifth Column 9:49 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news

Actually I discussed it on here several times in first few days after the fire. Then since its become a thread for insulting the dead I've steered clear for last last week or so. Hthyfc

Mike Oxsaw 6:44 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
joe royal 2:34 Thu Jul 6

There's a lot in that, joe - all bunched together, people can get a handle on the event and give it a nice convenient label with which to pigeon-hole it. The same numbers, spread out in time and place and nobody gives a fuck.

Westham67 5:16 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Housing Minister was in Tears in parliament speech on Grenfell yesterday. Seems like a good bloke. Tories could do with a few more like him


DukeofDevo 2:45 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
It's cos they're the most vulnerable in society innit!

Poor working class folk oppressed by the establishment.

joe royal 2:34 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
It's weird really. Over 350 deaths a year in 'normal' house fires and no one bats an eyelid.

This happened and all hell breaks loose.

Tower block fire deaths are dwarfed by house fire deaths but for some reason this hogs the headlines.

Gavros 2:27 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
And of course it isn't a white/ Brown thing. It's a tragedy foremost, simple as that. The lack of sympathy for the survivors on here is lamentable.

Gavros 2:25 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Leave it out surface you horrible bastard. The bloke knew children that died in that fire. Try to limit your gurning triumphalism to something like the Brexit thread.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 1:53 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Convenient that you've just now remembered that you know two families from the tower.

Fifth Column 1:44 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Surface... no. Just superior to yours.

Gavros 12:54 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
The truth is that this is a travesty caused by inadequate oversight of building regulation by both Labour and Tory governments/ LAs.

Anyone who politicised this from either side are simply cunts, be it momentum cunts on the streets or right cunts on here.

In a word: cunts.

wanstead_hammer 12:53 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
*Doffs cap to stoneman for being consistent throughout the aftermath of this tragedy.
Well played sir.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:47 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
The really important thing we have learned tonight is that Fifth knew two families in the building, which obviously means that his opinions are superior to everyone else.

stoneman 12:40 Thu Jul 6
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
You are wrong fifth.

If this tragedy had happened in a tower block containing middle class white people it would now be yesterday's news.

Why? Because they would have just got on with rebuilding their lives and not expecting to have their arses wiped at every turn.

Would momentum have given a shit about middle class white people? No
Would the BBC? No

The fact is that this is no longer about the fire or the deaths it's about a group hijacking it and turning it into something else.

So tenants said it's a fire hazard? Everyday in this Country people claim things are not safe, roads, public transport, even the streets but people love to complain and then say I told you so.

As I have said I have compassion fatigue and this I promise us the last time I'll post on this fucking boring thread.

RIP to those who died but my final message to the survivors....man the fuck up and get on with life.

bruuuno 11:58 Wed Jul 5
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
Boohoo my family got set on fire now give me some gold plated bog roll to wipe my curry stained arse with

Ridikzappa 11:50 Wed Jul 5
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
You can buy Grenfell memorial candles down Peckham market now for £5.99

, 11:48 Wed Jul 5
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news
I disagree.

Ridikzappa 11:47 Wed Jul 5
Re: London Tower block Fire Breaking news

...and yes, I am shouting!

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